Printable b/w pdf version of this is
here. I own and cherish a few of the other BVB coloring pages colored by friends — if you’ve done any, I want to see!
Also: tell me what you got in this name game!
ps: If Turpentine tries it with her real name, she’s probably not going to like the result very much.
Printable version here! And if you feel like having an utter BVB colouring page marathon, the first one was here.
Additional bonus today: my friend Jeanne drew me this awesome three page comic where the Band Vs bands meet a visitor from outer space! I really dig her expressive style — and she inks with a brush, which is something I basically can’t ever be trusted to do properly.

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Hey, want a printable version of this?
Hell yeah you do.
I had the next comic more than halfway done when I had this idea, and could not resist doing it first.