Ian & Stacey drama! Which has…ultimately no impact on anything, probably!
Man, these lesbian-centric comics have had a surprising amount of dude-on-dude action. I think that’s partly due to a relative conservation of girl/girl stuff because it’s generally more plot-significant overall. Related note: I think it’s really, blatantly obvious from the way I draw people that I’m far more interested in the feminine than the masculine…and with these comics, I’m just letting myself do that without reining it in at all, and letting this little world of cartoon bands have more than its share of femin-ish guys.
I’ve got another page in the works that I want to put up this weekend, so: another update soon!
ps: For those of you who share my interests GLBTQ issues and/or bands of the 90s, I wrote this rambling thing over on my barely-used blog about something that really upset me this week.