Honey Vs. Her Best Confidante

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It’s been too long since we had a song — especially a song with questionable advice and moralizing!

…Actually, I don’t think this one is entirely terrible advice. I came out to a cat as the first step before telling any humans, and I highly recommend it.

Possible discussion point: Which BVB song so far has made you most want to hear (or imagine) what the hell the music would sound like?

PSA #3

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I liked the idea of doing one that briefly acknowledges the necessity of mountains of gear, since this is normally a world where our bands can pull  instruments out of thin air and have musical showdowns at a moment’s notice. And don’t worry — Honey didn’t let them die.
In other news, my pal Sarah has been doing these pixel versions of Band Vs. Band characters that make me just die that I can’t play them as some charming, unforgiving NES game right now. This week she added this cute l’il Honey Hart walking sprite:

..and a BOSS BATTLE! (click for big)

Public Service Announcement #2

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…It’s ok, though — his best birthday was pretty unbelievable.

This is kind of a sequel to this one, if you missed it the first time around…and you better believe I’ve spent some serious time lately watching all the videos the internet can give me where cartoon characters get on their lecturing high horse about not talking to strangers, always recycling, and not playing in the clothes dryer.

Oh yeah, and I added this feature semi-surreptitiously a few days ago — and I’ve already got some super awesome mail, a couple of which I’m certain I’m going to use. You guys are the best — thanks! I’m not sure when I’m going to do the first of these, but it’ll probably be soon…and I kind of imagine it as a recurring thing every now and then. I absolutely want more of them, too, so: do it do it do it please.